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Writer's pictureGlobal Health Program

Andrew Dang illustrates the dangers of taser use – Faculty Mentor Program

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

Andrew completed his Field Experience under the guidance of Dr. Castilo through the Faculty Mentor Program (FMP). This program offers UC San Diego juniors an invaluable year-long research experience under the guidance of a faculty member. Andrew conducted his research on mortality and timing of death in patients with runaway pacemakers.

I volunteered primarily at the UC San Diego Hillcrest Medical Center where I surveyed and collected data from patients for ongoing research projects from other research associates and physicians. For my own research, I performed a ton of literature review on the topic of runaway pacemakers in an attempt to discover patterns. My hope is provide some clue as to the dangers of taser use!”

Andrew was able to present his research findings at a research symposium after the completion of the FMP.

After the completion of his field experience, Andrew has been working on research projects that focus on the intersection of the fields of Healthcare and Technology, specifically through the use of technology in a clinic setting.

One passion of mine involves learning how different fields intersect and complement each other.For example, I am currently working on a research project on the topic of Human Computer Interactions. It’s called GoMobile! We hope to develop technologies that improve HIV clinic workflow!”

Keep on innovating Andrew!

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