Displaced Children: "Adverse Childhood Experiences Amongst Refugees from the Horn of Africa: Influences on Development, Attachment, and Risk/Resilience"
by Segen Zeray

Past Events
Missed an event? Check out these recaps!
Horizons & Field Experience Expos Recaps
UC San Diego’s Annual Horizons of Global Health Research Symposium is a unique opportunity for Global Health students to present their research about the diversity of global health work around the world. The conference features an undergraduate research poster session and a keynote speaker. This event celebrates the end of the academic year and the success of our graduates.
The UC San Diego Global Health Field Experience Expo is an annual event put on by the Global Health Program and Students for Global Health where students can come meet with Global Health Special Programs, Student Organizations, Study Abroad and Campus Partners to explore opportunities to complete the Global Health Field Experience Requirement or gain hands on experience in the field of Global Health.
Quarterly Conversations in Global Health Recaps
This event is an opportunity for the Global Health community to come together and discuss relevant issues in the field from an interdisciplinary perspective. We strive to create a platform to increase interaction with UC San Diego students, faculty and local organizations to facilitate productive conversations and change.
2018 UC Global Health Day Recap
This system-wide conference on global health showcases the outstanding research, training and outreach taking place across the University of California and is an amazing opportunity for UC students, fellows, faculty, staff and visiting scholars to gather to share their work.
Interdisciplinary by nature and collaborative in spirit, global health efforts encompass a range of academic topics – from psychology to engineering to sustainability and economics, scholars are committed to improving the health of humans, animals and ecosystems around the globe. This event builds on the work of global health practitioners from UC and beyond by bringing together partners, leaders and young career professionals for a day of sharing and discussion.
2016 World AIDS Day Photo Booth Recap
The University of California San Diego honored World AIDS Day to raise awareness of the impact that HIV/AIDS has had and continues to have on the San Diego community, the nation and world. In recognition of the international event day, which was established in 1988, the campus sponsored a number of free activities open to the public including a display of three sections of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, a presentation on the HIV prevention pill, talks for specific communities and populations impacted by HIV, artistic performances and more.